Victor Gana is a young man from Esanzhi in Edu Local Government, Kwara State.
He is a child of God who sees himself as a billboard pointing to the Father and Master, Jesus Christ. Victor is passionate about using his gifts and talents to reach generations through music, writing and preaching of God’s Word. By His help, he has been able to mentor and disciple young people and others across divides.
As far music is concerned, Dr Gana writes songs in NupEnglish(A fusion of his native language of Nupe and the more relatable English language).
Outside Music, Victor is a Husband, a Father and an entrepreneur. He is also a Nigerian trained medical doctor, who loves God, medicine as well as humanity.
It would interest you to know that, whatever is needed to be done to offer hope to humanity, he is happy to do.

‘Lokaci ke’ is a Nupe phrase which means ‘It is never late.’ The song is inspired by the Word of God, specifically Psalms 37 vs 25. It is a message of hope to the discouraged, the downtrodden and the overwhelmed. The message is that God can be relied upon. No matter how late it looks to man, God is ALWAYS on time. With Him, hope is NEVER lost!
His song can be listened to online via various social media platforms below:
You will be greatly encouraged by the song. Kindly listen via the following links.
DOWNLOAD Mp3: Victor Gana – Lokaci ke
Lokaci Ke – Single by VICTOR GANA https://music.apple.com/gb/album/lokaci-ke-single/1751782030
What a timely message, more grace Dr.
Inspired and uplifted by the song.
Keep burning for the lord Dr
Keep being a role model to all who are thirsty for the lord.